Wednesday, April 2, 2008

The Beauty of Global Warming

Many may try to avoid it and not consider it a personal issue, but Global Warming is an alarming FACT. As Earth gets warmer it changes: glaciers melt, sea levels rise, hurricanes get stronger, diseases are wider spreaded. We are rapidly destroying our planet, and little by little we have to get more used to the idea of extinction.

Earth’s temperature is increasing due to the great level of Carbon Dioxide or CO2 trapped on Earth’s atmosphere. Solar energy maintains Earth’s temperature, but with too much greenhouse gases generated by human beings, the infrared radiation that is supposed to leave Earth stays; and the results are warmer temperatures. All of this is an effect of industrialization.

Scientists have been carefully observing Earth’s temperature. They mainly use glacial ice, Tree rings and Ocean sediments. According to the Gottesman Hall of Planet Earth, a gallery in the American Museum of Natural History in New York, when studying ice one can see that there is more dust and salt in ice during cold periods than in warmer periods.

Ocean sediments are used to “indicate seasonal changes”. Therefore lighter layers are formed during warmer summery weather and darker in cold winter weather.

Tree rings “indicate annual climate.” Thicker rings are a sign of growth in a warm and humid year, while thinner rings are a sign of “cold and dry years”.

As Al Gore would say Global Warming is an “Inconvenient Truth”. There’s a very basic reason why we let ourselves get to the point we are today: money, capitalization. Our desire for new technology, new harmful products only grows; without thinking of the future we are encouraging deforestation, pollution of our oceans and soil, and so on. We will consume our ways to extinction. Why there’s still so much prejudice towards green products, or even “green” people? Fortunately we are slowly changing our ways, especially the auto industry with its hybrids. We even have SUVs that are Hybrids now.

Greenpeace is a good site to find out more about "good" companies and Global Warming issues

Before finishing I want to leave you a thought, watch Pearl Jam's Do The Evolution video and give it a thought. Let's try not let it happen to us. Let's stop consuming every piece of garbage they give us.


(((Hema))) said...

It's very true, it seems a change won't occur until it's almost too late.

The video was intersting, just had a lot going on, I'll have to give it another look when I'm not in class so i can listen.

Btw- your taste in music's great.

Usman said...

I am just surprise that in our time we have alot of educated people but still nobody is taking their responsibilty to sav ethis world. which is actually HOME for all of us. We can make different kind of destructive devices but can`t invest money to stop global warmming and I should say it is working like slow poison and will kill our earth one day !!!!!!!!!!